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Carnegie Museum of Art
Gallery Associate Coordinator 2021-24

Centering the philosophy of "welcome not watched" Lindsay was a co-developer of the Gallery Associate department at the Carnegie Museum of Art. Her goal was to "re-frame" the gallery experience with a dramaturgical sensibility. 

Festival/Administrative Intern |
2020-2021 Season (Summer/Fall)

Originally I met Deborah Eliezer, foolsFURY Artistic Director, through my internship with the Ko Theater Festival. She then invited my to intern for her own theater festival, the FURYfactory, summer of 2020. When the summer in-person festival was no longer able to happen, I was kept on to help devise a digital version of the festival for early fall. I assisted in the cration of multiple events including BUILD from Here; curating content, and spearheading the "Microturgy" program, which brought the planned ensemble artists together with Dramaturgs from across the globe to collaborate in creating mini digital presentations of their work. My work also included facilitating digital events across platforms including: Zoom, Padlet, Hop In, Facebook and more, doing research and drafting for their grants programs, and  facilitating a new work monologue contest as a part of their annual gala Celebration Provocation.

Theatre Company
Literary/Education Intern |
2019-20 Season

As literary intern I assisted in script review, archiving, support for the Momentum reading Series productions, and supported company dramaturg, Clare Drobot, in creating and designing dramaturgical materials for the companies season, including resource materials for actors, and interactive lobby displays for the general audience.  As Education intern I created an educators resource guide for their Student Matinee Program production of Kemp Powers One Night in Miami.  This lead to being hired over the following summer for a full time education assistant position (see Education)

Pittsburgh Public Theater
Education Fellow/Accessibility Intern | 2019-20 Season

As Education Fellow, I took over the administration of one of PPT's largest educational programs of the season, the Shakespeare Monologue and scene Competition. Duties included scheduling preliminary auditions and on-site and in school coaching's for over 1,000 students, and oversaw the final's and award ceremony.  As accessibility intern I created media for assistive listening, I-Caption®, and D-Scriptive® services, as well as assisted in facilitating the American Sign Language Series.

KO Festival
Festival Intern | Summer 2019

Each week of the five week festival came with a different assignment. Work included hanging and focusing lights, stage management, front of house, and wardrobe. 


Artists worked with include: Hilary Chaplain, Katie Pearl, Deborah Eliezer and Ben Yalom of foolsFURY, and Samite, among others. 

Vienna's English Theater
Admin/Educational Intern | Spring 2019

Lindsay served as an administrative assistant and classroom assistant for both of the Vienna's English Theatre's educational wings. For SHOWTIME, a k-12 school, she worked as a classroom assistant and rehearsal stage manager. For VETA, a two year acting certificate program, she helped disseminate promotional material, and connect the school with a network of international arts schools.


For more information on Vienna's English Theatre click HERE


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